Home / 130 Sodrac Dakota Dunes, SD 57049

130 Sodrac SD, 57049

Price $15
Status Active
MLS# 241446
Baths N/A
Beds N/A
Type Commercial
Year Built 2000

For lease: A spacious 4,000-square-foot commercial building, offering the flexibility to be divided into two separate 2,000-square-foot units. This prime property is ideally located just off the high-traffic Exit 2 in North Sioux City, providing excellent visibility along the bustling I-29 corridor. The building sits in a highly desirable area, adjacent to the popular Bob & Ellen's/Stone Bru restaurant, a local favorite that draws significant traffic from a loyal customer base. This location ensures your business will benefit from the constant flow of potential customers. The property is surrounded by a wealth of amenities, including a variety of the region's major employers, medical facilities, retail, restaurants, and hotels, making it a prime spot for a wide range of businesses. With a dense residential population nearby, your business will have access to a steady stream of local traffic. Whether you need a single space or two smaller units, this property offers the versatility, visibility, and prime location that can help take your business to the next level. TI could be offered depending on lease terms.



  • MLS # 241446
  • List Price $15
  • Category Rent
  • Sub Type Commercial
  • Property Type COMMERCIAL
  • Address 130 Sodrac
  • City Dakota Dunes
  • State SD
  • Postal Code 57049
  • Taxes 5611
  • Tax Year 2023
  • Year Built 2000


  • Fireplace No


  • Office RE/MAX Experience
  • Agent Jeff Carlson (712.224.4100)


Aaron Jones 712.320.9442
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Mortgage calculator

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Loan Amount : $12
Monthly Payment : $0.07

Property location

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130 Sodrac (MLS # 241446) is a property located in Dakota Dunes, SD. MLS# 241446 is a Commercial which has N/A bedrooms, N/A bathrooms, is N/A sqft and listed with a price $15 on Bojihomes.com. 130 Sodrac is situated in the area of the Iowa Great Lakes located in Northwest SD. Find detailed information about 130 Sodrac, Dakota Dunes, SD 57049 including interior & exterior features, photos, as well as community and market stats for Dakota Dunes, SD. Contact RE/MAX Lakes Realty at to receive personalized Dakota Dunes, SD real estate service. He will provide you information and key facts based on years of knowledge and experience, about 130 Sodrac, Dakota Dunes, SD 57049. RE/MAX Lakes Realty will also provide you with a comparative market analysis (CMA) for similar homes for Rent in Dakota Dunes, SD. Explore 0 more homes for Rent in Dakota Dunes as well as 0 more properties for Rent in 57049 using Bojihomes.com MLS Search of off lake homes for East Lake, West Lake, and Big Spirit Lake..